Sunday, March 11, 2012

Question Time =D

the accidental blog tagged me to answer some questions, and here we go :D

1. You must post the rules
2. Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post and then create eleven new questions to ask
3. Tag eleven people and link to them on your post. if you can's just tell some people about it and let them answer anywhere (even their facebook will suffice)
4. Let them know you’ve tagged them!

And here are the questions i'm supposed to answer

  1. You can never live without………….

    ummm..that's a tricky question, but i'll go neutral and say.......AIR

  2. You’re never too old to………………..?

    eat lollipops, SWING :D
  3. When was the last time you conquered your fear, or did an act of bravery?

    i don't actually remember, honestly
  4. When was the last time you laughed your heart out?

    Today, i always laugh haha

  5. What inspires you, or pushes you forward?

    what pushes me forward; is doing something i haven't done in a good while, as simple as it might be, as long as it's not on my daily routine. that gives me a boost, take for an example an outing with friends anywhere

  6. Would you rather go back in time, jump to the future, or stay in the present? Why?

    i don't like this present, i don't know what's going to happen in the future as well
    so i might pick going back in time, some time in the middle ages, when females get to be treated like royalty, no matter what their position is
    or right before i decided to join medschool ;)
  7. If you were to be someone else, who would you be?

    Demi Lovato, i always wanted to be a pop/rock star :D

    or due to the current circumstances in Egypt, i might want to be some city official, so i can rule the country and make things right for a change
  8. If you were granted a single superpower, what would that be?

    i always wanted to be able to read minds, or fly :)

  9. What is the one job that would never suit you?

    Arabic teacher, i suck at arabic and explaining things to people, combine those two together and you'll be having a hell in heels "hopefully i'll be able to wear heels then. lol"

  10. What is your favorite dessert?

    anything involving chocolate, or cheese cake

  11. What is your current mobile ringtone?

    A drop in the ocean by Ron Pope

    Now it's my turn to ask
    to whoever i tell or read this , please answer. i don't know how to tag people in here haha

    1. What do you like doing on your free time?
    2. what's the thing that you regret doing?
    3. if you woke up and find yourself of the opposite sex, what would you do?
    4. your 'like a boss' moment
    5. if you like someone, and you want them to know, what would you do?
    6. your favorite song,Tv-show, movie, ice cream flavor and color
    7. do you like the way you are now, your life? yes or no with reasons
    8. your celebrity crush/ your favorite celebrity
    9. what do you hate the most in people?
    10. who's your role model?
    11. the most embarrassing moment ? *Grins*


  1. 1. I do a lot of things in my free time . Listening to music , FB , reading if i have a plenty of time , watching TVD & hanging out wiz my friends

    2. I don't really regret doing things cuz i think it's pointless is what it is my regrets won't change anything but if i do I'll probably regret something i said not something i did

    3. I'll try my best to be a girl again .. or may be i'll have some abs & be a sexy one :D :D LOOL & u know what i mean

    4. going late to the class everyday & walking in wiz a big smile on my face ... like a boss

    5. I'll be a part of his life . making him notice me whenever we meet but not in a stupid way have to be classy or i'll lose him

    6. my favorite song ... that's hard cuz it depends on my mood but I'll mention some
    a drop in the ocean
    Beautiful by Christina
    look after u by the fray
    secrets by one republic
    gives u hell by all american regects
    if u'r not the one by Daniel Bedingfield
    Hero by Enrique
    ok enough but those r not all of them

    my favorite TV show...really ???! do u have to ask ?!! of course TVD

    My favorite movie ??!! mm it also depends on my mood but currently Easy A .. just like heaven .. & I don't know i can't remember

    ice cream flavor .. Carmel & Moka

    my favorite color ..Rainbow :D

    7. yes & no :D yes cuz threr's so many things I really appreciate my family , my friends , my personality & of course my religion Islam
    no cuz I hate so many things in my life too
    like My country politics , some ppl have no morals & some ppl are incredibly stupid ..I hope they'll change but till now if i can leave this country i'll celebrity crush .. duh Ian Somerhalder & Joseph Morgan .... my favorites are the same & I love Will Smith too

    9. Betrayal & double faced ppl

    10. ooo .. I just figured out that i don't have one .. I want to be myself my goodies & my bads cocky much ??? :D

    11. hahahahaa I have a lot of those but i really can't remember ... I swear I can't remember

    1. LOl about your role model,,i dont have one either :d so no not cocky :D

      and i knew some of those answers haha ;) thanks

  2. Tricky answers! ;)

    As for my answers, here we go:

    1. What do you like doing on your free time?
    Mostly tweeting, blogging, facebooking.. That sort of stuff.

    2. What's the thing that you regret doing?

    3. If you woke up and find yourself of the opposite sex, what would you do?
    I'd SCREAM!!

    4. Your 'like a boss' moment?

    5. If you like someone, and you want them to know, what would you do?
    Honestly, I'd do nothing! :P

    6. Your favorite song,Tv-show, movie, ice cream flavor and color?
    Song (The one on my mind at this moment): "Something that I want/ Tangled".
    TV-Show: Psych.
    Ice-cream flavor: Caramel.
    Color: I seriously don't know! No specific color!

    7. Do you like the way you are now, your life? yes or no with reasons.
    Yes, I do. Because I've got lots of blessings other people don't have.

    8. Your celebrity crush/ your favorite celebrity?
    I'd rather call it "favorite celebrity", Tom Hanks I guess, or Hugh Grant. Well, they're many in fact!

    9. What do you hate the most in people?

    10. Who's your role model?
    My mother! :) :P

    11. The most embarrassing moment?
    Can't recall it right now! :P
